Blogs Relating to Work Life, Design, and Marketing

Three [Different] Work From Home Tips

Three [Different] Work From Home Tips

With much of the world having transitioned to working remotely in March or April of 2020, there’s no shortage of blog posts with tips about working from home. Instead of repeating much of the advice that’s already out there, I figured I’d share some slightly different advice. Two of these are things I found helpful when I transitioned to working from home full time back in 2019. The last one is relevant to being a remote employee, but moreso right now, because I saw it a lot with more members of the workforce being pushed out of their offices and into their homes.

Going Business Casual on a Budget: How to Cheaply Make a Big Wardrobe Change

Going Business Casual on a Budget: How to Cheaply Make a Big Wardrobe Change

After hearing from a friend that her office was transitioning from ultra casual to business casual overnight, I sat down and put together some tips for making the wardrobe transition on a budget. This post looks at how to evaluate your closet, offers shopping tips, and lists ideas about where to shop for specific items. Finally, there’s a printout to track items you already have, your budget, and lists the do’s and don’ts for making the transition to business casual.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira 
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